Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Where have I been?

This is where I have been.  In my hammock.
 Or more pointedly; why haven't I been writing any blog posts?

The short answer is that I haven't felt like it. 

Here is the long answer:

I started this blog when I quit facebook.  At the time, I thought I was addicted to facebook's system of input and output.  Make a post and wait for the serotonin rush of little red tags telling me how much my friends enjoyed it.  Press the button, get a cookie.  I was scared that leaving facebook would eliminate that reward from the act of "sharing."  

So I started this blog to fill what was sure to be a gaping void in my life.   I thought quitting facebook was like cutting off a gangrenous foot and this blog was going to be my set of crutches.  What I almost immediately realized was that it wasn’t like a necessary sacrifice of a harmful limb. It was like an appendectomy.  I felt better!  So much better that I forgot what all the fuss about red tags and like buttons was all about.  It seemed absurd to think I would miss it. 

So this blog has been sitting here empty because I haven’t needed any crutches.  I am skipping and jumping all by myself and it feels good. 

So what does that mean for the future?  Why this blog post?

I have reached a point where I think it will be healthy for me to venture back out into the world of sharing.  This time will be different though.  I want my digital experience to supplement and enhance my real life experience and not exist apart from it. 

For example: 

I started a youtube channel.  This channel is home to a series of videos I call "Friday Adventures."  Each Friday I grab a friend or two, and head out for some fun.  I shoot and edit some video of our adventure and upload it to youtube.  This video series acts as a catalyst to get me off the couch, call up a friend, and do something cool.  It is enriching my real life. 

Here is an example:

So there will be more sharing in my future.  More youtube videos.  More blog posts.  This time around I do it with purpose.

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